I know I haven't posted in a while but I have some great news. Remember when I wrote a post about Kare? Well now Kare Club has its own blog! Here's the link:
Do you want to make a movie but don't know where to start? Well then, here's the basic steps for making a movie: 1. Create a plot (how can there be a movie without a story?) 2. Identify your characters (make sure you have people to play them!) 3. Write the story (now you can write your script) 4. Gather all necessary costumes and props (what will the actors be wearing? What are you going to use?) 5. Start videotaping scene by scene (don't do it all in one it might get messed up) 6. Once you finish videotaping, find a program that you can edit it with (I use Movie Maker and iMovie) 7. Once you have edited your movie add a title and credits to it 8. Once your done with all that, you can invite your friends and family over to watch the movie!
I hope you liked the steps for making a movie! Please post a comment to tell me if you followed the steps for making a movie and if it worked out! Also you can post a comment about if you want me to add or change anything about the steps.
Learning another language can be really fun, but also tricky. Sometimes you may not know how to pronounce some of the words so my advice is if you're trying to learn another language and you're having trouble with it, find someone you know that speaks that language and they can help you out with it. I said before that I can speak English, French, and Spanish. I really want to improve my Spanish so my Grandmother is helping me out with it. If you know or want to learn 2 or more languages please post and tell me!
Ok so I've been doing some things and I've created a mini play thing called Crazy Combinations (Crystal helped me come up with that name) so we make these episodes and they're totally wacky. My character is Cat and she can get pretty wacky sometimes. Crystal's character is Zora and she is mostly wacky. I'm usingwacky a little to much but I just felt like it. And also Kate somtimes plays some parts to like in the 2nd episode she plays a character named Bobbalina. Totally wacky name, I know. So anyway I thought you guys might like to hear about it and if you'd like I can post an episode.
Looking at the title you might think I don't know how to spell care. But I'm not talking about care I'm talking about Kare. You probably won't get it until I start explaining which I'm going to do now. So anyway my friends, my sister Crystal, and I were sitting at a table and we were talking and then we suddenly had the idea to make a club, and we called it Kare. Now don't ask me why we called it that because there would be MORE explaining to do. We at first were going to have Kare about everything. But then we decided that Kare should be mostly about helping people. I encourage all of you to start something and help people with it. It makes you feel good that even thouhg it's just one little person your helping, it can make a BIG difference in their life:)